
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Artistic Nervous Habit, #1.

Blame it all on my aunt, who gave me a crochet hook and some yarn.  My sister and I had contests to see who could make the longest yarn chain.  We'd add skeins to skeins and then undo them all and wrap yarn back into balls.

At my youngest sister's wedding, I asked my aunt how many yards of chain she thinks we made over the years.

She laughed at me.

I have crocheted all kinds of yarn as well as speaker wire and regular wire.

I also knit, too, if I have to prove I can.  I am not fast at it at all, but I do a kind of knooking technique to get some designs.  I still have to photograph those.  

What are all my nervous habits?

I am so annoying.  I bite my nails.  I get excited around new people.  I talk to strangers and have lengthy, meaningful conversations with them.  My kids will probably have very many more to add when they're in therapy down the road, but this blog is mainly about my nervous *artsy* habits.

For instance, keeping my hands buried in polymer clay helped me quit smoking.  When you can get absorbed enough in a project that 3 hours go by and you haven't realized it, you have a new habit.

I am a mixed media artist.  I know lots of low-level things about a lot of different art techniques.  If I have any artistic superpowers, it's in my ability to see how all those different things work together.  So, "mixed media artist" is the way to go for me.

I have done a lot of jewelry lately, but I'm also making murals out of resin and painting peacocks on wine glasses, and making wine charms for those glasses.

The best part?  My family still likes to see me - even the extended third-cousin once removed variety.  I come bearing gifts, y'all.

Waiting to the muse to speak,
